
Cost ID

A Cost ID is a unique cost engagement identifier value between 12 and 256 characters in length. Adjust uses the cost_id parameter to match the received cost data with a click or impression.

Here are some points to consider when using cost_id with the Ad spend API:

  • To avoid matching a value from one of Adjust’s other network partners, the cost_id value must be unique. Adjust recommends using a UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) or prefixing your ID with your company’s name. For example: network_name_848dsf4939fgwjn028erg4.
  • You can use your pre-existing click_id or impression_id. If you don’t generate your own click or impression IDs, then you can combine two or more placeholders to form it. For example for CPI, you could combine the user’s IDFA (ID For Advertisers) and the app ID.

Measuring CPM with Adjust

To send CPM (Cost Per Mille) data to Adjust, send cost_id through the impression URL and refer to it in the ad spend API call. Ensure that you send the CPM with each impression.