You can use the Adjust Android Extension for Adobe Experience SDK to send Adjust activity from apps that came preinstalled on a user’s device. This enables you to send information from users who didn’t download your app from a campaign.
You can send data from preinstalled apps to a predefined default link. When a user opens the app for the first time, the install session is associated with the default link token.
To set your default link token, call the setDefaultTracker method of your AdjustAdobeExtensionConfig instance with the following argument:
token: NSString
Your alphanumeric Adjust link token.
Tutorial: Set a default link token
To set your default link token, you need to add the token to your AdjustAdobeExtensionConfig instance. If you followed the integration guide, your App Delegate file should look something like this:
To set a default link token for preinstalled apps, pass the link token to the setDefaultTracker method of the AdjustAdobeExtensionConfig instance. When Adjust receives the install session information, it attributes the install to the default link.
In this example, the external device ID is set to abc123.