
Resolve short branded links

Adjust’s link shortener solution converts your complex and long links into cleaner and shorter links. The shortened links retain deep link and campaign information, and route users to the app store, if they don’t have your app installed.

Use the method described in this section to resolve your short links.

Set up deep linking in the Adjust SDK

In the Adjust SDK, add support for the following:

To resolve a short Adjust link URL that deep linked users into your app, call the Adjust2dx::processAndResolveDeeplink method with the following arguments:

deeplink (AdjustDeeplink2dx)

The deep link you want to resolve.

resolvedLinkCallback (void(std::string))

A function that receives the resolved deep link. Must return void.

AdjustDeeplink2dx deeplink = AdjustDeeplink2dx("url");
Adjust2dx::processAndResolveDeeplink(deeplink, [](std::string resolvedLink) {
// process resolvedLink

If you pass a shortened link to the Adjust2dx::processAndResolveDeeplink method, you receive the original expanded link in your deeplinkResolvedCallback function. If you pass a non-shortened link, the deeplinkResolvedCallback function receives the link you passed to Adjust2dx::processAndResolveDeeplink without modification.