
Send callback information

Set up callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK sends information to Adjust. You can set up callbacks for sessions and events.

Session callbacks

Set up session callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK sends session information. You can create success callbacks and failure callbacks. Success callbacks trigger when the SDK sends information to Adjust’s servers. Failure callbacks trigger when the SDK encounters a problem while sending the information.

Session callbacks have access to a response data object. You can use its properties in your callback function.

Success callbacks

Method signature
- (void)adjustSessionTrackingSucceeded:(nullable ADJSessionSuccess *)sessionSuccessResponseData;

Set up success callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK records a session.

Failure callbacks

Method signature
- (void)adjustSessionTrackingFailed:(nullable ADJSessionFailure *)sessionFailureResponseData;

Set up failure callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK fails to record a session.

Event callbacks

Set up event callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK sends event information. You can create success callbacks and failure callbacks. Success callbacks trigger when the SDK sends information to Adjust’s servers. Failure callbacks trigger when the SDK encounters a problem while sending the information.

Event callbacks have access to a response data object. You can use its properties in your callback function.

Success callbacks

Method signature
- (void)adjustEventTrackingSucceeded:(nullable ADJEventSuccess *)eventSuccessResponseData;

Set up success callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK records an event.

Failure callbacks

Method signature
- (void)adjustEventTrackingFailed:(nullable ADJEventFailure *)eventFailureResponseData;

Set up failure callbacks to trigger functions when the SDK fails to record an event.