
Smart Banner SDK Shopify integration

You can integrate the Adjust Smart Banner SDK into Shopify to distribute smart banners via Shopify tags. Follow the steps in this guide to set this up.

Integrate the SDK in Shopify

  1. Navigate to your store admin tools at

  2. Select Online Store -> Themes.

  3. Select the three dot menu on your active theme and select Edit code.

    A screenshot of the Shopify theme overview page

  4. Find and open the theme.liquid file.

  5. Add the SDK loading snippet inside the theme’s <head></head> tags.

    A screenshot of the Shopify theme editor

  6. Scroll down to the theme’s <body> tag and enter your SDK initialization call. This call must include an appToken. Check out the SDK initialization options to configure the SDK using the init method.

    <!-- Adjust Smart Banner SDK -->
    <div id="AdjSbRoot"></div>
    appToken: "YOUR_TOKEN",
    logLevel: "verbose",
    bannerParent: document.getElementById("AdjSbRoot"),
    <!-- Adjust Smart Banner SDK -->

    A screenshot of the Shopify theme editor showing the Smart Banner SDK init options

  7. Save your changes.