
Set up privacy features

The Adjust SDK contains features that you can use to handle user privacy in your app.

Send erasure request

Method signature
function gdprForgetMe(): void;

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and similar privacy laws worldwide (CCPA, LGPD, etc.) grant data subjects comprehensive rights when it comes to the processing of their personal data. These rights include, among others, the right to erasure (see Art. 17 GDPR)(1). As a data processor, Adjust is obliged to support you (the data controller) in the processing of such requests from your (app) users.

You can send the user’s erasure request to Adjust by calling the gdprForgetMe method. Once Adjust has been notified:

  • Adjust will permanently delete all of the user’s historical personal data from its internal systems and database.
  • Adjust will no longer receive data from this user/device via the Adjust SDK.(2)

Disable third-party sharing

Method signature
function disableThirdPartySharing(): void;

To disable third-party sharing for all users, call the disableThirdPartySharing method. When Adjust’s servers receive this information, Adjust stops sharing the user’s data with third parties. The Adjust SDK continues to work as expected.


Data residency

Property declaration
dataResidency: "EU" | "TR" | "US";

The data residency feature allows you to choose the country in which Adjust stores your data. This is useful if you’re operating in a country with strict privacy requirements. When you set up data residency, Adjust stores your data in a data center located in the region your have chosen.

To set your country of data residency, pass the region code of your preferred country code in the dataResidency property of the initSdk method.

appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN",
environment: "production",
logLevel: "verbose",
dataResidency: "EU",

URL strategy

Property declaration
urlStrategy: "india" | "china";

You can set a URL strategy to prioritize regional endpoints for sending data from the Adjust SDK. To do this, pass the region of your preferred country code in the urlStrategy property of the initSdk method.

appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN",
environment: "production",
logLevel: "verbose",
urlStrategy: "china",

Set custom endpoint

Property declaration
customUrl: string;

By default, the Adjust SDK sends all data to Adjust’s endpoints. If you want to specify a custom endpoint, pass your endpoint in the customUrl property of the initSdk method.

appToken: "YOUR_APP_TOKEN",
environment: "sandbox",
customUrl: "",