
Transition SDK to S2S events

You can change your setup to stop sending Adjust SDK events and instead send server-to-server (S2S) events.

When transitioning to an S2S setup, its important to follow a precise implementation plan. This helps prevent sending duplicate events from both the SDK and your server. Use the steps below to succesfully transition, test, and verify your implementation.

Setup steps

To transition from sending Adjust SDK events to S2S events, follow these steps.

  1. Create new S2S event tokens that correspond to the existing SDK event tokens. Adjust recommends using a naming convention for the new event tokens.
    • Example: Start the S2S event names with s2s_ followed by the corresponding SDK event name.
  2. Check the S2S event request URLs have all the required parameters, as well as any additional parameters you may find helpful.
  3. If the SDK events have callback parameters or partner parameters added, ensure they’re set on the corresponding S2S events with the same parameter names and values.
  4. Set up callbacks for S2S events.
  5. Deploy S2S events on your server.
  6. Compare the number of old SDK events to the number of corresponding new S2S events in your BI system.
    • If the numbers don’t match, fix the S2S event logic and check for unresolved error messages.
    • Repeat step 5 until the numbers match.
  7. Update your BI system to use reporting based on S2S events rather than SDK events.
  8. Unlink the SDK events from partners.
  9. Link your S2S events to partners using the same event names as the SDK events used.
  10. Verify that all partners are receiving the new events.
  11. Release an app update that removes the SDK events.
  12. In the Adjust dashboard, hide the SDK event tokens.