
Events endpoint

Use the Events endpoint to retrieve event slugs to use in your report service queries. The endpoint enables you to search for events using their readable names and returns useful information about each one.

Return events


Return a list of event objects.


ParameterData typeRequiredDescription
events__containsStringNoFilters events by an exact match in the event’s key or a partial match in its value.

Response parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
idStringThe event slug.
nameStringThe name of the event.
short_nameStringThe shortened name of the event.
sectionStringThe event section. See the Sections table for a summary of available values.
formattingStringThe format in which the event’s data is stored.
increase_is_negativeBooleanWhether the most recent change was a value increase.
app_tokenArray<String>The app token with which the event is associated.
tokensArray<String>The event token or tokens.


conversionMetrics relating to click and impression conversions.
fraudMetrics relating to fraud prevention.
costMetrics relating to cost.
revenueMetrics relating to app revenue.
retentionMetrics relating to cohort-based user retention.
eventsMetrics relating to events.
conversion_eventsMetrics relating to SKAdNetwork conversion events.
installsMetrics relating to app installs and reinstalls.
conversion_valuesMetrics relating to SKAdNetwork conversion values.
Response format
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"short_name": "",
"section": "",
"formatting": "money",
"increase_is_negative": false,
"description": "",
"app_token": ["string"],
"tokens": ["string"]


This endpoint returns the following responses:

200SuccessReturns report information
204No contentReturned if the response object is empty
400Bad requestReturned if your request is malformed or contains unsupported parameters
401UnauthorizedReturned if your credentials are incorrect or absent
403ForbiddenReturned if you try to access information you don’t have permission to view
429Too many requestsReturned if you exceed 50 simultaneous requests
503Service unavailableReturned if the server can’t be reached
504Gateway timeoutReturned if the query takes too long to return a response


$ curl \
'' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {API_TOKEN}'
Success response
"id": "purchase",
"name": "Purchase event",
"short_name": "PUR",
"section": "Revenue",
"formatting": "money",
"increase_is_negative": false,
"description": "",
"app_token": ["4zb92bmajmrd"],
"tokens": ["abc123"]