You can integrate the Adjust SDK with events by following one of the methods below.
Before you begin
To use this feature, you first need to download and set up the Adjust iOS SDK.
To integrate Adjust with the SDK, you need to send attribution to the SDK. You should send this information after receiving a response from the Adjust servers. To do this, follow the steps in the attribution callback setup guide.
You can set the callback method like this:
- (void)adjustAttributionChanged:(ADJAttribution *)attribution { // initiate Batch user editor to set new attributes BatchUserDataEditor *editor = [BatchUser editor];
if ( != nil) [editor forKey:@"adjust_network"]; if (attribution.campaign != nil) [editor setAttribute:attribution.campaign forKey:@"adjust_campaign"]; if (attribution.adgroup != nil) [editor setAttribute:attribution.adgroup forKey:@"adjust_adgroup"]; if (attribution.creative != nil) [editor setAttribute:attribution.creative forKey:@"adjust_creative"];
// send new attributes to Batch servers [editor save];}