If you’ve enabled purchase verification, you can use the Adjust SDK to request purchase verification. There are two ways to verify purchases with the Adjust SDK:
Create an AdjustEvent object that represents your purchase and configure purchase properties for the target store.
Create an AdjustAppStorePurchase (Apple App Store) or AdjustPlayStorePurchase (Google Play Store) object representing the purchase.
When you send purchase information with the Adjust SDK, Adjust does the following:
Sends the information to the relevant store and waits for a status response.
Forwards the status response to the Adjust SDK.
You can access the purchase verification status by using a callback. Results are returned as AdjustPurchaseVerificationResult objects containing the following properties:
verificationStatus (String): The status of the purchase.
code (num): The status code of the purchase.
message (String): Any message returned by the store.
To send a revenue event for verification and listen for the purchase verification status, follow these steps:
Instantiate an AdjustEvent object with the your event token and set the following parameters:
productId (String): The product identifier of the item that was successfully purchased.
transactionId (String): The ID of the transaction you want to verify.
Call the Adjust.VerifyAndTrackPlayStorePurchase method with the following argument:
event (AdjustEvent): Your instantiated event object. Expect the verification response to arrive as part of the Future<AdjustPurchaseVerificationResult?> return value.
In this example, the purchase verification response is output to the logging daemon.
To send a revenue event for verification and listen for the purchase verification status, follow these steps:
Instantiate an AdjustEvent object with the your event token and set the following parameters:
productId (String): The ID of the product that has been purchased.
purchaseToken (String): The purchase token associated with the purchase.
Call the Adjust.verifyAndTrackPlayStorePurchase method with the following argument:
adjustEvent (AdjustEvent): Your instantiated event object. Expect the verification response to arrive as part of the Future<AdjustPurchaseVerificationResult?> return value.
In this example, the purchase verification response is output to the logging daemon.
To send a standalone App Store purchase and listen for the purchase verification status, follow these steps:
Instantiate an AdjustAppStorePurchase object with the following arguments:
productId (String): The product identifier of the item that was successfully purchased.
transactionId (String): The ID of the transaction you want to verify.
Call the Adjust.verifyAppStorePurchase method with the following argument:
purchase (AdjustAppStorePurchase): Your instantiated event object. Expect the verification response to arrive as part of the Future<AdjustPurchaseVerificationResult?> return value.
In this example, the purchase verification response is output to the logging daemon.
To send a standalone Play Store purchase and listen for the purchase verification status, follow these steps:
Instantiate an AdjustPlayStorePurchase with the following arguments:
productId (String): The ID of the product that has been purchased.
purchaseToken (String): The purchase token associated with the purchase.
Call the Adjust.VerifyPlayStorePurchase method with the following argument:
purchase (AdjustPlayStorePurchase): Your instantiated purchase object. Expect the verification response to arrive as part of the Future<AdjustPurchaseVerificationResult?> return value.
In this example, the purchase verification response is output to the logging daemon.