
App automation API

Use the Adjust App Automation API to create and update apps. The endpoints in this suite let you automate the process of managing your apps and app settings.

Instead of creating each app in the dashboard, create a template app. This app contains all the required settings for your campaigns. You can then use the Adjust App Automation API to create new apps based on this template.

Each new app clones the settings of the template app or another app of your choice. You can pass app-specific settings to override the template or append new information.

With this API you only need to create one request for each new app, saving you a lot of time.

Use cases

The Adjust Automation API is most useful if you are creating lots of new applications. If you release new apps and campaigns frequently, setting up each new app adds a lot of overhead. This API enables you to minimize this as follows:

  1. It simplifies the process of creating apps by cloning settings from a template. Adjust’s Technical Account Specialists team help you set up the template.
  2. It simplifies the process of updating apps. You can pass partner-specific and app-specific settings to the API to update your apps at any time.
  3. It enables you to keep track of the app creation process. This means you know exactly how far along the process each app is.
  4. It enables you to get information about your app programmatically. Instead of checking each app’s links in the dashboard, you can use this API to get the information.

Get started

Authenticate your requests

To use the App Automation API, you need to authenticate your calls. Follow the instructions in the authentication guide to get started.

Create new apps

Use the /app endpoint to create apps by sending a POST request with information about your app. When you send in a new app, Adjust creates an entry for it and returns your new app token.

Pass partner-specific settings to set up your partner modules.

Adjust copies settings from your template app to populate your new app.

Check the status of your new app

You can check the status of your new app by sending a GET request to the /status endpoint. This shows the status of the background job that copies settings from your template app to your new app.

Get information about your app

Once you’ve created a new app, you can send a GET request to the /app/{adjust_app_token} endpoint to retrieve information about it.

You can also send a GET request to the /app endpoint with your app’s store ID and platform to get information.

Update your app

If you change your template app’s settings, you can update your app with new information. Send a force_update request to the /app endpoint with the settings you want to change to update the app. Update your app with partner-specific settings to set up your partner modules.