
TradPlus SDK integration

If you want to record your ad revenue with the TradPlus SDK, you can use the SDK-to-SDK integration to pass this information to Adjust’s servers.

Before you begin

Follow the integration guide to integrate the Adjust SDK in your app.


To record ad revenue information with Adjust, create an ADJAdRevenue instance inside your impressionDelegate function. See the Send ad revenue information guide for more information.

// Listen for global display callbacks
[TradPlus sharedInstance].impressionDelegate = self;
- (void)tradPlusAdImpression:(NSDictionary *)adInfo
ADJAdRevenue *adRevenue = [[ADJAdRevenue alloc] initWithSource:ADJAdRevenueSourceTradPlus];
CGFloat revenue = [adInfo[@"ecpm"] floatValue]/1000.0;
NSString *adUnitId = adInfo[@"adunit_id"];
NSString *networkName = adInfo[@"adNetworkName"];
NSString *adType = adInfo[@"adType"];
[adRevenue setRevenue:revenue currency:@"USD"];
[adRevenue setAdRevenueNetwork: networkName];
[adRevenue setAdRevenueUnit: adUnitId];
[adRevenue setAdRevenuePlacement: adType];
[Adjust trackAdRevenue:adRevenue];